The Administration for Community Living (ACL) awarded a cooperative agreement to the team of the Oasis Institute, Caregiver Action Network (CAN), USAging, and Altarum Institute. This team has launched a national program, called Community Care Corps, to foster innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers, older adults, and adults with disabilities with nonmedical care in order to maintain their independence.
This unprecedented, new program is a great leap forward in helping seniors, adults with disabilities, and family caregivers with much-needed non-medical assistance.
Grants are awarded to local organizations across the country to establish, enhance, or grow model volunteer programs. Community Care Corps volunteers perform non-medical tasks, provide companionship, and support caregivers. These services are a tremendous benefit to older Americans and their family caregivers.
Community Care Corps helps countless families and will have a lasting impact not just on the families and individuals served, but also on those who serve their community as volunteers.​
Stay up to date on this new program by subscribing to our Community Care Corps Newsletter and visiting our blog page.