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In September 2024, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) awarded a second 5-year cooperative agreement to the team of the Oasis Institute, USAging, Caregiver Action Network and Altarum to further develop, expand and refine Community Care Corps, a national program initiated in 2019 which fosters innovative models providing volunteer nonmedical assistance to family caregivers, older adults, or persons with disabilities age 18 and older to maintain independence in the community.


This unprecedented initiative awards funds to organizations across the country to increase the number of community- and home-based volunteers programs available to provide nonmedical assistance while decreasing the number of older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, and family caregivers who need assistance in maintaining independence in the community but are unable to obtain help.

The Administrators evaluate the effectiveness of those models in different communities nationally and work with grantees to identify those conceptual approaches used in model development and implementation that improve outcomes, reduce barriers and are replicable. These approaches will be compiled into the Community Care Corps Learning Library for individuals and organizations across the country to use in the development, implementation and right-sizing of a local model for their community.


Stay up to date on this program by subscribing to our Community Care Corps Newsletter and visiting our blog page.


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