Frequently Asked Questions
​FAQ Categories
What is Community Care Corps and what is Community Care Corps Funding?
What is the Community Care Corps? 
The Community Care Corps is a national, federally funded grant program that funds and evaluates innovative local models designed to provide volunteer assistance to family caregivers, older adults, and persons with disabilities to assist in maintaining independence by providing nonmedical volunteer assistance in home or community-based settings.
What is the award period for the Community Care Corps cooperative agreement with ACL?
​The first Cooperative Agreement with ACL ran from September 1, 2019, through August 31, 2024.
The second Cooperative Agreement with ACL runs from September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2029.
Selected Community Care Corps grantees are awarded 18-month grant cycles throughout the cooperative agreement period.
Historically, how many grants have been made annually? How many applications do you typically receive? 
​We have received 608 applications over the past 4 funding cycles and disseminated funds to 109 grantees total. We anticipate funding between 23 and 33 new grantees in the 2025-2026 grant cycle.
What exactly are you funding? 
The Administrators will distribute funds to foster expansion and refinement of innovative volunteer nonmedical assistance models which support older adults, people with disabilities, and their family caregivers to maintain independence in the community.
What are you trying to accomplish with the Community Care Corps? 
Community Care Corps’ goal is to increase the number of community-based volunteer programs available to provide nonmedical assistance to older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, and their family caregivers to maintain independence in the community while decreasing the number of older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, and family caregivers who need assistance in maintaining independence in the community but are unable to obtain help.
Do I understand that your goal is to learn from our local work to inform your work of creating a National Community Care Corps? 
The Administrators will evaluate the effectiveness of local models in different communities nationally and work with grantees to identify Effective Elements, those conceptual approaches used in model development and implementation that improve outcomes, reduce barriers and are replicable. These Effective Elements will be compiled into a searchable web tool, Learning Library, that individuals and organizations across the country may use to develop, implement and right size a local model for their community. You will find a link to the Learning Library in the menu bar of the Community Care Corps website.
What kinds of volunteer programs are you looking for? 
We feel that providing examples of programs will impede applicants from thinking as creatively and innovatively as possible - two chief goals of Community Care Corps. We wish to foster groundbreaking models in which volunteers assist family caregivers, older adults, or persons with disabilities age 18 and older by providing nonmedical care to help them maintain their independence. We are reluctant to make suggestions that could have the unintended consequence of limiting imagination on how to best assist these target populations. We want applicants to have completely open minds, free of any pre conceived notions or direction.
Can you tell me if my proposed model is a good fit for Community Care Corps? 
To keep the application process fair and competitive we are unable to respond to whether your proposed model is a good fit or not. I encourage you to attend the Informational Webinar which will be recorded and posted on the Community Care Corps website,, as well as the RFP and FAQ page to see if you meet eligibility criteria. Community Care Corps will not answer any questions outside the webinar and posted FAQ.
Can you share a copy of a successful applicants/grantee’s workplan so we can see the degree of detail that you are looking for? 
We cannot share information about a successful work plan as our current grantees may be using that information to generate their new application, and that would be inappropriate to share with you. If you look at section 8.4 of the RFP which provides instructions on how to generate a work plan.
Will you share examples of projects or models that you have already funded and are no longer interested in? Where can we see examples of programs funded? 
You can read about all the previously funded local models on the Community Care Corps website. The website has a short abstract about each funded local model under Grantees in the menu.
If we are interested in replicating a model that was already funded by the Community Care Corps, would it be appropriate to speak with that funded agency about the implementation of their model and receive feedback on challenges, etc. with their program? Would these funded agencies be open to this? 
This is a competitive funding opportunity. We cannot share information about a funded organization's local model as they may be applying for additional funding. Whether or not a currently or previously funded organization is willing to share information about their local model is up to them.
Is there a way to learn if there are other organizations in our community also applying? 
We are not collecting Notices of Intent to Apply and therefore have no way to provide this information.
Does it have to be a new program? 
No. New applicants can apply for funding to expand and or/enhance existing programs which have produced evidence of providing quality assistance to older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, or family caregivers. But it is important to remember that funds are to supplement, not supplant, funding that would otherwise be available for volunteer activities.
What is considered a new model proposal for previously funded grantees? 
The new local model cannot be an expansion or enhancement of a previously funded model. You must propose an entirely new local model although it does not have to be new to your organization. For example, if you were previously funded to implement a transportation model, your new local model cannot be an expansion or enhancement of that transportation model. It must be an entirely new local model.
What will be the size of the Grants? How much can we apply for?  
The Administrators will award 18-month grants ranging in size from $30,000 to $200,000.
Are we encouraged to apply for the full $200K? 
Apply for the amount needed to develop and implement your local model, that you can meet the match requirement for, and that your organization demonstrates capacity for.
Is your grant program looking for large numbers of individuals served, or would a smaller, realistic target number served be considered a strong model with scalable potential? What is an appropriate ratio of # of people served versus the amount requested? 
We do not state a required minimum or maximum number of individuals served, but your model's narrative responses, budget and work plan should support your decision on deliverables. The dollar value of the funding requested must appropriately reflect the number of individuals to be assisted. There is no definitive answer telling what an appropriate ratio of individuals served to the amount of funding requested. Each proposed model has a different value per type of assistance offered. Applicants will need to use their best judgement to determine what is reasonable.
Will partial awards be made? If so, should we indicate if the project is scalable?
Not all applications selected will receive the full amount requested. If you are chosen and the recommendation is to fund less than the requested amount, we will contact you requesting an updated budget for the new amount and an updated set of deliverables achievable with that amount. We will then reevaluate your proposal.
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Eligibility-Funding Eligibility-Partner Organizations
Who is eligible to apply? 
A wide range of non-profit entities are invited to apply. Examples of the type of organizations that are eligible to apply are:​
Local Communities
Non-profit organizations
State, county, and local governments
Domestic public or private non-profit entities
Indian tribal governments and organizations (American Indian/Alaskan Native/Native Americans
Faith-based organizations
Community-based organizations
Institutions of higher education
Local aging service organizations as defined in 102(5) of the Older Americans Act of 1965
Centers for independent living as defined in section 702 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Entities with expertise in the delivery of such services and supports
Time-banking or volunteer agencies with expertise in the delivery of home and community-based services to older adults and people with disabilities
Can you confirm that applicants must be a 50lc3 to apply?
We welcome applications from organizations that were not funded in previous years. Please attend our informational webinar for more information about the new RFP. The link to the webinar can be found on the homepage of our website: The webinar will be recorded, and the link will be posted in the same location. 
Can a Community Care Corps grant be used to fund volunteers who serve fee-paid membership organizations? We are part of the Village-to-Village Network? 
Yes. All applicants must be a non-profit 501c3 to apply. Organizations cannot profit from the funds provided by Community Care Corps.
Can more than one chapter under a national organization apply? We are under one FEIN with an IRS 50lc3 group designation.
The important thing to note in your question is that multiple chapters are under one FEIN with an IRS 501c3 group designation. Multiple chapters could not apply under the same EIN#. But you could have a proposal that incorporates a multi-location project. In that case, you would need to have a lead organization. Per the RFP, section 2.1.3: More than one organization may partner in a single application, but one organization must be designated as the lead applicant, recipient, and manager of award funds. The lead applicant will be required to submit letters from the partnering organizations confirming their participation in the proposed local model. The same applies for one organization with multiple geographic regions.
We are not nonprofit at this time, and wonder if we may partner with a fiscal agent to apply for the grant?
If the fiscal agent is a not-for-profit, yes, you may apply. The fiscal agent will be the primary and will be subject to compliance according to the Uniform Guidance (as will your organization). The fiscal agent should have a Unique Entity ID and a SAM registration. There should be a written agreement between the fiscal agent and the organization outlining the responsibilities of each party to the agreement. Per section 2.1.3: More than one organization may partner in a single application, but one organization must be designated as the lead applicant, recipient, and manager of award funds. The lead applicant will be required to submit letters of commitment from the partnering organizations confirming their participation in the proposed local model.
We have applied for our 501(c)3, and it should come any minute but has not yet. Can we still apply?
The 501(c)3 status must be activated by the date your application is due in the portal, for you to apply.
We would like to move forward and apply for the RFP, but we are just filing the IRS form 1023. From my understanding we can start serving as a non-profit while we wait for approval. Do we qualify to apply for the RFP, or do we need to wait and gain IRS approval?
​ Unfortunately, you will need to wait for IRS approval.
​I submitted a previous proposal to Community Care Corps that was not selected for a grant. What is your guidance regarding resubmission of our proposal for consideration with the new round of grants?
We welcome applications from organizations that were not funded in previous years. Please attend our informational webinar for more information about the new RFP. The link to the webinar can be found on the homepage of our The webinar will be recorded, and the link will be posted in the same location.
Can a Community Care Corps grant be used to fund volunteers who serve fee-paid membership organizations? We are part of the Village-to-Village Network?
Fee-paid membership organizations such as Villages are welcome to apply.
We are a current grantee of or have applied for funding from the Administration for Community Living (ACL). Are we eligible to apply for the Community Care Corps grant or does being a current ACL grantee/applicant exclude us?
​Having other ACL funding or applying for ACL funding does not exclude you from applying.
Are organizations located in U.S. Territories such as Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands eligible to apply?
Yes, all US states and territories are eligible to apply including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Island.
Is attendance at the Informational Webinar mandatory to apply for funding? 
The webinar is informational, but not mandatory. The webinar will be recorded and posted on the website. You will find the link on the homepage of the Community Care Corps website. Please note, Community Care Corps will not answer any questions outside the webinar and posted FAQ.
Do you do a site visit before choosing successful applications? And do you do site visits during the grant period?
We do not perform site visits prior to choosing grantees. We perform virtual site visits during the grant period.
Our agency has not received funding directly from Community Care Corps but is in partnership with another organization that does receive funding from Community Care Corps. Would that disqualify us from applying?
An organization may only apply for this grant through one application per year and cannot apply for itself and be part of an application involving more than one organization. 
Is it ok if our partner organization is not a nonprofit? Will there be a tab on the application page for the letters of commitment for partnering organizations?
Yes. However, the lead applicant must be a nonprofit entity. The nonprofit organization must be designated as the lead applicant, recipient, and manager of award funds. The lead applicant will be required to submit letters of commitment from the partnering organizations confirming their participation in the proposed local model. The letters can be loaded into the portal just like the budget, budget narrative, and work plan.
I see that equipment purchases are discouraged. How about technology to support shut-in elders so they can have access to telehealth and other support services in a rural community? Would the purchase of inexpensive tablets and Wi-Fi hotspots be permitted to be loaned to clients as needed?
Tablets and hotspots are reimbursable items. Please see the instructions in the Budget Summary to determine which expense category to place them.
Does this grant money paid to volunteers have taxes taken out and have to be claimed?
We cannot answer this question for you. You should consult with your Tax Accountant or outside accounting firm for advice on the taxation of volunteer stipends.
Can an agency use funds to purchase snacks for training sessions with volunteers and categorize this as a direct cost?
Can the intern stipend (paid by the university) be included in the grantee match?
Is it permitted to use the grant funds to contract with another agency for personnel, rather than hire staff? We would issue an RFP to acquire the contracted staff/agency.
Yes. The Budget Summary and Budget Narrative both have categories for contractual relationships.
Can the grant money be used to pay for commercial drivers to take our isolated seniors living at home to things like doctor appointments, social gatherings, or food shopping? 
You may pay drivers for transportation. You will be required to generate a contractual agreement with them, and the funding allocated for this purpose will be placed under contractual in the Budget Form and Budget Narrative. Volunteers receiving a stipend or mileage reimbursement are not considered as contractual.
Are travel expenses eligible as reimbursable expenses?
Mileage is reimbursable. We will not pay for travel to conferences unless you are presenting on Community Care Corps at the conference.
Would we be able to use the funding for mileage reimbursement for volunteers that deliver meals to elderly in need?
There are no restrictions in the RFP about providing stipends or mileage reimbursement. You can find more information about mileage reimbursement on the first page of the Budget Template.
What is considered Construction and Rehabilitation of Buildings? (Funding Limitations Can you please clarify what you said about being unable to fund construction or rehabilitation services? Is this specifically with respect to a nonprofit's office/workplace environment? My organization provides home improvements and safety upgrades for seniors.
Community Care Corps is not a construction and rehabilitation grant. We do not fund construction of office space, interior or exterior, for organizational use. Please note that construction is not the same as repair and rehabilitation is not the same as modification. Community Care Corps funds may only be used for basic home modifications and minor repairs that promote health and safety. Be mindful of the mission of Community Care Corps which is for innovative local models to use volunteers to provide nonmedical assistance to family caregivers, older adults, and persons with disabilities in order to maintain independence.
Does this grant allow applicants to make minor to moderate repairs to homes of older adults?
Please see section 2.2 of the RFP, Funding Limitations and Requirements which clearly states what Community Care Corps cannot fund. Also, please note section 3.2.3 which states: Volunteer assistance MUST be nonmedical assistance. Volunteer assistance MUST NOT include any form of health or medical care or evaluative including personal care services.
Can these funds be used to pay emergency rent, mortgage, utility relief?
No. Section 2.2 of the RFP, Funding Limitations and Requirements state that funding may not be used for income maintenance or financial assistance.
Can these funds be used to renovate an office to make it ADA Compliant? 
No. Section 2.2 of the RFP, Funding Limitations and Requirements state that funding may not be used for construction or rehabilitation of buildings.
Can an agency use funds to purchase meals for the volunteer and participant to eat during visits and categorize this as a direct cost?
Yes. This is an allowable expense.
Are there any restrictions to apply granted funds to wages for program administrators? 
Community Care Corps funding may be used to pay salary and fringe for organization staff working directly on the Community Care Corps local model. Organizations must document in the budget the % FTE for each individual staff member and provide supporting documentation upon request to prove that each staff member is meeting the obligation. 
If our community extends to a national community in addition to local, are we still applicable to apply? Can you focus a statewide effort?
​Yes, national and statewide efforts are eligible to apply. You may provide volunteer assistance beyond your local geographic region. Fully explain your intended reach in the narrative section of the application
Section states: Describe the unmet needs of the community. Please provide data as localized as possible. Is it sufficient to provide data that supports there is a need for nonmedical services in a specific community or do you want information from the surrounding community as well? If you want information from the surrounding community, are you looking for zip code information or county wide information where the communities are located? 
We understand that sometimes local data is not available to demonstrate the needs of the community you intend to serve. Provide the most appropriate data you have available to demonstrate your community need.
Section states: Explain the organization’s strategy to include community input into the proposed local model. Are you referring to an organization getting input from the community while we are funded? Or are you looking for us to get input from the community before we submit this application? 
Describe the community support local organizations demonstrate for your local model and your community outreach for support at all stages of development and implementation. 
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Programmatic Questions-Target Populations-Types of Assistance
Have blended models that support multiple groups such as family caregivers and adults with disabilities been funded in the past? 
Who are the volunteer programs supposed to assist? 
Volunteer local models must assist one or more of three target populations: 
Family caregivers 
Adults age 60 and older 
Persons age 18 and older with a disability (as defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990) 
What is the definition of a "Family Caregiver"? 
​The term ‘family caregiver’ means an unpaid adult family member or other individual (e.g. foster parent, friend, neighbor) who provides assistance to an individual who has difficulty living independently.
In my state, it is possible for family caregivers to receive a stipend for the work they do. There is a process of applying and then they receive funds. We were wondering if this would conflict with your definition of family caregiver. 
Caregivers in states that allow payments to caregivers are still eligible recipients of volunteer assistance under our grant. 
What if our volunteers are adults with disabilities?  
We have no concerns about this as long as they are serving one of the 3 target populations of older adults, family caregivers or adults with disabilities. 
What is the definition of nonmedical assistance? Is assistance in ADLs acceptable? 
Please refer to 3.2.3 for the definition of nonmedical assistance. Volunteer assistance MUST be nonmedical assistance. Volunteer assistance MUST NOT include any form of health care service including personal care services or medical advocacy during appointments.
Can you clarify whether programs need to have a direct care component such as assisting with ADLs, providing respite care to caregivers, etc.? 
Funding MAY NOT be used for medical assistance or professional health care services (section 2.2.1). Volunteers are to provide only nonmedical assistance to older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, and family caregivers. Proposals offering ADL assistance do not qualify for this funding opportunity.
How do Community Care Corps volunteers differ from paid home care workers and other professionals providing services to help older adults and adults with disabilities who live independently in the community? 
The Community Care Corps program is an opportunity for community organizations to use volunteers to address some of the gaps in existing basic supports for family caregivers, older adults, and persons with disabilities age 18 and older. Community Care Corps will not replace the important services that the paid home care workforce and other professionals provide to help individuals live independently in the community. Notably, Community Care Corps volunteers will not provide medical assistance or professional health care services.
If we were putting on a training retreat for caregivers, could we have staff from another department to watch over their loved ones? 
The nonmedical assistance would be to the caregiver only. You could not count the paid caregiver services provided to the loved ones in any of the deliverables, outputs, or outcomes. The funding received from Community Care Corps cannot cover the costs of paid caregivers.
We host monthly gatherings for family caregivers. While they are here, there are certified caregivers in place to go to their homes to take care of their family member. We also have an experienced nurse who will take blood pressures of all caregivers while here. I also have several psychologists who facilitate sessions and meet in group settings or individually with caregivers. Would these things disqualify me? 
All nonmedical assistance must be provided by volunteers. Refer you to section 3.2.3 of the RFP which states: Volunteer assistance MUST be nonmedical assistance. Volunteer assistance MUST NOT include any form of health care service including personal care services.
If there was a client with disabilities and/or who is elderly that is interested in being part of the program but needs medical and/or personal care, could they bring in an aid/caregiver or could the organization provide one separate from the grant?
​Community Care Corps does not fund any paid caregiver services. The volunteers cannot participate in any paid caregiver services. If bringing in an aid or paid caregiver allows a care recipient to participate in your local model, that is allowed as long as the aid or paid caregiver is not funded by Community Care Corps. That aid or paid caregiver does not quality to be counted as a volunteer.
Do education and training activities to prepare persons with disabilities for the workforce fit under this grant?
​We will allow education and training activities to prepare persons with disabilities age 18 and older for the workforce. Assistance to all the target populations must be provided by volunteers to meet program requirements.
Does the Jewish community qualify as an underserved community as a religious minority, given the long history of anti-Semitism and the fact that other local service providers have affiliations with Christian denominations?
​Underserved populations to be served by the proposed local model are defined by Executive Order On Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, dated January 20, 2021. See section
Does the program need to serve anyone who inquires about the service, or can it exclusively serve one minority group? 
The organization proposing the local model will need to make the distinction of who it intends to serve. 
Do immigrants and refugees with Limited English Proficiency count as underserved individuals, since these population groups are not specifically mentioned in the January 20, 2021 executive order? 
Section 2.1.1. indicates that we want to fund local models that represent a diverse cross section of the nation reflective of geography, urban/rural/frontier, and tribal communities, limited English-speaking populations and underserved communities. 
Are residents living in assisted living communities eligible to receive assistance related to this grant? 
Can students provide nonmedical volunteer assistance?
All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this grant and pass a criminal background check. Any students age 18 or older who pass a criminal background check can be a volunteer.
Can we count college interns as volunteers if they receive a stipend as part of their internship? What if the university covers the stipend cost? 
Yes. We do not have a restriction on stipends to volunteers. You may include stipends for interns in the budget under direct expenses and you may count them as volunteers.
Regarding volunteers under 18 not being able to participate in the project. Could intergenerational activities be incorporated so someone under 18 could participate as long as they are not alone? 
Unfortunately, we cannot utilize any students under the age of 18 regardless of the level of supervision.
Can we include volunteer activities such as doing outreach in the community to notify older adults of our services? 
See section Grantees may utilize volunteers for program administration and operation as opportunities for professional skills building.
Does that include mentorship? 
Mentorship is an allowable volunteer model. 
ls there a requirement regarding how many instrumental activities of daily living that the person requires assistance with? Is this something the agency determines? If based on a social services assessment with the older adult, they state they only need help with laundry. Are we limited to only providing laundry assistance to them? Could the volunteer also provide housekeeping and cooking if requested by the older adult while they are working with them?
There is no requirement for the amount of assistance with instrumental activities of daily living an individual may need or receive. Community Care Corps does not require funded organizations to complete a formal assessment on the individuals receiving assistance and the assistance provided does not have to be limited by results of a social service assessment.
When an organization has several, separate volunteer-run programs serving the prerequisite eligible populations, is there a recommendation or hard limit to the number of programs incorporated into the grant proposal?
We have no restrictions on the number of volunteer-assisted opportunities organizations can offer to family caregivers, older adults, and persons with disabilities age 18 and older. The amount of work required for implementation should be reasonable and the budget should be adequate for effective and efficient implementation.
The line between helping with ADLs and medical care is a little wiggly - so, where would laundry fall, for instance? 
Laundry is an IADL, instrumental activity of daily living. ADLs are bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding, grooming etc. IADLs such as laundry, meal preparation, housekeeping, and yard work are nonmedical and therefore allowable. 
What about providing caregiver respite services for persons with dementia. The volunteer would need specialized dementia training regarding communication, but they will only provide nonmedical assistance. 
Additional training for volunteers is appropriate to assist them in handling potentially difficult situations, for example, when providing respite for a person with dementia. 
How does the RFP define "nonmedical" services versus “health care services”?
Nonmedical services are those tasks which can be performed by volunteers without specialized training, education, or certification. Nonmedical services do not include personal care activities such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, transfers, feeding, medication management.
Health care services are tasks that would require a degree, specialized training or certification such as administering medication, taking blood pressures, assisting with activities of daily living or providing any doctor ordered care.  
Are physical and mental health screenings considered a health care service? 
If these tasks are being performed by skilled professionals such as social workers, therapists, nurses, case managers, other health professionals or any specially trained individual then it is considered a health care service. 
Will you consider programs in which volunteers engage older adults virtually but not in person? 
Local models can be implemented in person, virtually or a hybrid of the two. 
Should applicants design their local model to include any future adjustments related to the pandemic?
The delivery of the organization's local model should be adaptable to provide both virtual, remote, and in person assistance; and recognize adaptability in an ever-changing environment.
Will you fund multiple applicants serving the same area? 
Possibly, if the services are considerably different. If you are aware of another organization in your area submitting an application, is a collaboration possible? 
Will current volunteers be able to participate if funding is granted or will new volunteers have to be recruited to participate if funding is granted? 
Current and newly recruited volunteers can be used for local model implementation. This must be clearly documented in the Work Plan and description of expected outcomes and deliverables. 
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Grant Requirements-Model Timing
Are there requirements that will have to be met? 
Yes. See section 5.1 Expectations for all the grant requirements that must be met.
Do I need to send a Letter of Intent to Apply? 
You do not need to send a Notice of Intent to Apply.  
​What is the timing of the application process? 
The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be available to view on October 14, 2024. Applications will be accepted from October 28, 2024 through December 11, 2024. The RFP and application portal can be accessed through starting October 28, 2024. NO applications will be accepted after 5:00 ET on December 11, 2024.
Will we get a notification if we are NOT accepted? 
Yes. All applicants will receive either a notice of award or a notice of decline. 
Will the future grant round be next year or in a few months? 
​If additional funding is authorized, Community Care Corps will post a new RFP yearly until the end of its cooperative agreement with ACL.
When will the grants be awarded? 
We plan to announce awards of successful grantees in March 2025. The grant cycle will begin April 1, 2025. ​  
How long is the grant period? 
The grant period will be for 18 months. 
Will Community Care Corps require successful applicants to carry liability insurance for volunteers before starting a local model as a grantee? 
Yes. Successful grantees will need to show proof of volunteer liability insurance coverage before they sign their contract with Oasis and receive their grant funds. Grantees will be required to carry a minimum general policy of $1 million for each occurrence and $2 million aggregate, which covers volunteers. If applicable, automobile liability coverage should be included in coverage too. Grantees are expected to comply with all applicable federal and state laws concerning insurance coverage. 
Will there be assistance with elements like background checks? 
Yes, we will provide technical assistance on topics including background checks. We will offer technical assistance to support protocols for criminal background checks consistent with the requirements of the Nationwide Program for National and State Background Checks for Direct Patient Access Employees of Long-Term Care Facilities and Providers. 
What is the approximate cost of the criminal background check? 
The cost of background checks varies from state to state. Unfortunately, there is no preset price that can be quoted from Community Care Corps. 
Does Community Care Corps provide support to applicants related to managing legal liability associated with volunteers? Support in the form of process recommendations and/or access to financial resources (e.g., insurance risk pool participation). 
Organizations applying for funding must provide their own volunteer insurance coverage which can be paid for using Community Care Corps funding. Volunteer insurance is an example of an “Other Direct Expense” so you can include the cost of liability insurance related to volunteers in your budget.  
I would like to confirm that EVERY volunteer needs a background check, even for a model that just has one-time volunteer interactions.
Community Care Corps requires all volunteers providing service to pass a background check. Every volunteer providing assistance to any of the target populations must have a background check regardless of the number of interactions the volunteer has. If your state does not require background checks for volunteers, at a minimum, Community Care Corps requires a basic background check for volunteers assisting its care receivers. If the volunteers are having direct contact with the caregiver or care recipient, fingerprints are also required. It is our duty to keep the vulnerable populations safe. 
Does online or phone assistance volunteering need fingerprint background checks or are background checks without fingerprints ok? Are background checks required for volunteers volunteering virtually - providing training, peer social connections, etc.? 
All volunteers must complete a background check at minimum meeting the state requirement. 
If the volunteer is providing unsupervised direct assistance to the care recipient or caregiver, fingerprinting is required.
If a volunteer has received a background check through a church or organization where they work - does that count, or will all the background checks need to be redone? 
If you are partnering with the organization providing the volunteers, then the background checks they completed will qualify for Community Care Corps if they meet the stated background check requirements and are less than 1 year old. Otherwise, the volunteer will need to have a new background check completed. 
My state does not have a minimum background check requirement. Per the RFP, at minimum background checks must meet the minimum state requirements. Do my volunteers not need to be background checked? 
Community Care Corps requires all volunteers providing service to pass a background check. If your state does not require background checks for volunteers, at a minimum, Community Care Corps requires a basic background check for volunteers assisting its care receivers. 
Our program does not currently conduct volunteer background checks but is very interested in implementing this process moving forward. Could Community Care Corps funds be used to build and institute this process, as part of our proposal? 
You may use Community Care Corps funds to pay for background checks for volunteers. It is a direct expense. 
Can we use grant money to pay for background checks of our Volunteers? 
Use of Community Care Corps funds for background checks for volunteers is an allowable expense and should be included in the budget.
Can we begin the new model before receiving the grant funds?
Community Care Corps cannot reimburse for expenses incurred prior to the start date of the grant period. 
Can you provide more detail on how to complete a work plan? What differentiates a goal from an objective and an objective from a task? What is the difference between an outcome and an output?
The work plan is a detailed description of how you plan to develop and implement your local model. The goals are the desired results. The objectives are the milestones you need to achieve those desired goals, and the key tasks are time-constrained specific tasks assigned to an individual that completes the milestone. Outcomes are measurable changes such as a reduction in caregiver stress. Outputs are countable products such as the number of volunteers providing assistance.
See the provided work plan template for instructions on completion.
Are we able to propose development of a program under the funding of the innovative local models to provide volunteer assistance? That is, the first year would be used to develop the program (utilizing volunteers but not yet providing any assistance) and future funding from National Community Care Corps, if available, or other sources to fund the volunteer base program? 
Section 5.3 references Evaluation Efforts stating that all grantees are required to collect and report 12 months of data during the specified funding year. Grantees may use up to 6 months to ramp up their program for implementation in the last 12 months of the 18-month cycle. Currently, federal funds are not secured beyond one year. Therefore, applicants should consider this a single cycle grant. Grantees should provide plans for sustainability. 
If a grant is awarded, can the grantee get a second-year grant? How about years after that?
The Administrators will only commit to fund applicants not previously funded by Community Care Corps or previously funded applicants proposing a new local model for one grant period of 18 months. Currently, federal funds are not secured beyond one year. Therefore, applicants should consider this a single cycle grant. Grantees should provide plans for sustainability.
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The RFP states, under “Overview and Details” - In the table provided in the application portal, indicate the number of older adults, adults with disabilities and family caregivers as applicable who will receive nonmedical volunteer assistance and the number of volunteers who will provide the nonmedical volunteer assistance. Where may we find the table in the application portal? Is this specified by the RFP? So sorry if we missed it. 
The table is provided in the portal as a direct question. You will simply enter the number of individuals you intend to assist and the number of volunteers who will provide the assistance. In the portal, this will be under Proposal and Narrative question 
What about personal identifying information?
We do not require or need you to collect personal identifying information (PII) from those receiving volunteer assistance; nor do we foresee any need for local model volunteer programs to collect PII. However, if you do collect PII you will be required to keep such data secure.
We seek to protect the privacy of clients and volunteers - What details in reporting are necessary besides the number of hours volunteered, nature of service provided, and number of individuals being served? 
Community Care Corps does not collect personal identifying information. We encourage all grantees to keep this information secure. Even the identifiers used for survey collection are deidentified.
Do you like seeing testimonials?
We love testimonials! A minimum of two (2) videos per grant cycle and 2 written stories per quarter featuring caregivers and care recipients receiving assistance is a requirement for all grantees. Community Care Corps will assist with video editing.
Our non-profit agency (which operates numerous programs) currently allows staff to perform a "day of service" each year where they are paid their regular salary to do a volunteer activity within a different program or outside of our agency. If we began operating this program, and staff chose to volunteer in it as their "day of service", would it be a conflict to count them as volunteers? 
The staff members technically are not volunteers if they are being paid their regular pay to “volunteer” where they work. It is not a conflict. Staff members are just being paid to do different tasks for a day. If an organization wants to count the volunteer hours and pay the staff from different funding sources, outside of Community Care Corps, it can be counted as in-kind/match. 
How will we report our results? How will the data be collected? Paper forms? Do the grantees need to enter the data into a database?  
Grantees will be provided platforms to regularly report on both outputs and outcomes. Grantees will be required to report certain output data such as number of older adults, persons with disabilities age 18 and older, and family caregivers assisted as well as the number of volunteers providing assistance, hours of volunteer nonmedical assistance provided and occurrences of each type of volunteer nonmedical assistance provided. Grantees will be required to distribute a survey (provided by Community Care Corps) to be filled out by individual family caregivers, older adults, and persons with disabilities age 18 and older receiving volunteer assistance. These surveys will capture self-reported data on seven outcome measures: caregiver stress and care recipient unmet need, loneliness, social isolation, perceived ability to continue living independently in the community, and assessment of person-centeredness of volunteer services. In addition, the following outcome measures, specific to volunteers, will include volunteer motivations, intent to continue volunteering, perceived benefits of volunteering, and knowledge and utilization of person-centered care practices. Pre- and post- survey data can be collected online using provided links, on paper, or by phone. Any data not collected online will need to be manually entered into the database by the grantee.
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Funding-Financial Requirements-Financial Reporting-Match
Is this a reimbursement grant? Will any funds be given upfront?
It is a reimbursement grant. You may request 10% of the value of your federal funds at the start of the grant period.
Can marketing/promotional materials be included? 
Absolutely! This is a frequently missed budget item that is essential to recruit volunteers, care recipients, and educate the community about your local model. 
The budget excel document has federal share and non-federal share as options. If my organization decides to utilize HUD funded service coordinators to provide tasks in the grant, how would we document their salary, benefits, and taxes in the budget? I believe Federal Share only refers to dollars requested through the grant.
Federal share only refers to funds requested from Community Care Corps. The HUD funded services would be reflected as cash match/non-federal. There is a place in the narrative where you would indicate federal vs non-federal funding sources.
If my volunteer receives a stipend, can we still use their time as in-kind? 
Yes. We do not have restrictions on stipends. 
What is the frequency of grantee reimbursement? 
Grantees are reimbursed quarterly.
Do applicants need both a Unique Identity Number (formerly DUNS number) and a SAM registration?  
Yes, to receive federal funding you will need to obtain registration with SAM. It is not really a number as much as a registration with them. Per section 5.5. of the RFP (see the RFP for the actual links): Applicants must register to do business with the U.S. Federal Government by completing a registration process in the Federal System for Award Management, As a part of that registration process, applicants will obtain a Unique Entity ID (formerly a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number). If you are already registered in, then you have already been assigned a Unique Entity ID and it is viewable in your entity registration record. Proof of registration, including your entity's Unique Entity ID, must be supplied to the Administrators before funds are disbursed. Since registration may take up to one month, it is recommended to begin that process now. If you have not already registered in, please click on this link,, to complete your registration.
I just wanted to confirm, the organization does not need to have SAM registration complete before applying? Just after award to get disbursements. 
Correct. The SAM registration must be complete prior to the start of the grant cycle. 
Are we able to submit our proposal while working to get the SAM account confirmed as long as we have this all situated prior to when the funds will be released? 
Yes. You will mark the SAM registration as pending in the portal when entering your application. 
If we cannot get audited tax returns because we filed only a 990-N E-postcard is that a problem?
If organizations meet the following requirements, then the 990-N E-postcard is acceptable.
Small tax-exempt organizations generally are eligible to file Form 990-N to satisfy their annual reporting requirement if their annual gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less. Gross receipts are the total amounts the organization received from all sources during its annual accounting period, without subtracting any costs or expenses. Gross receipts are considered to be normally $50,000 or less if the organization has been in existence for 1 year or less and received, or donors have pledged to give, $75,000 or less during its first taxable year; has been in existence between 1 and 3 years and averaged $60,000 or less in gross receipts during each of its first two tax years; and is at least 3 years old and averaged $50,000 or less in gross receipts for the immediately preceding 3 tax years (including the year for which calculations are being made).
Is there a match requirement for grant funds?
Yes. There is a 25% match requirement for grant funds that may be cash and/or in-kind. For instance, the value of the hours that your volunteers will spend providing assistance can be counted as in-kind contributions toward the 25% match.
Can you clarify if the match is 20% of the total program budget or 20% of the grant funds requested? If a provider wants to submit a proposal worth $200K, does the match have to be $50K making the total budget submitted for the proposal equal $250K? 
The proposed calculation is incorrect. The minimum match is calculated based on the Total Funds. Total Funds = Funds requested + match requirement. The minimum match can be calculated as follows:
Funds Requested/3 = Match Amount
$200,000/3 = $266,667 - $200,000 = $66,667
Must the 25% match funding be secured? 
Match does not have to be secured at time of application. On the Budget Narrative you will indicate if the match is secured, in process, or anticipated. 
According to the RFP, volunteer time can be used as match. What or who designates the per hour cost of volunteer time? What value may be used to calculate the value of volunteer in kind hours to meet the match requirement? 
​See section of the RFP, Non-Federal - In Kind Contributions (Match) which states: If a reasonable and documentable fair market value of volunteer assistance is not easily determined, value of volunteer hours may be calculated with the following equation: number of volunteer hours worked multiplied by the Independent Sector Rate. You will be required to establish a procedure to collect the number of volunteer hours. You may round up or down to the nearest 30 minutes. You may use the Independent Sector rate if you have not determined an appropriate value for volunteer time in your area. Then it is simply the number of hours times the dollar value to calculate the value of the time.
What happens if we receive an in-kind match for volunteer hours by Older Americans Act funds, are we also allowed to report the same volunteer hours for this grant? 
You cannot double report match. If you are using the hours for another grant, it cannot be used again as match for Community Care Corps. 
Can the non-federal be higher than 25%? 
Yes. However, it is not required, and no additional weight is given to applicants who provide additional match support.
Please define "Cash" vs. "In-Kind" under the "Non-Fed Share" of the Budget form. 
In kind match would consist of volunteered time or volunteered use of facility space to hold meetings. An example of a cash match would be a donation to the organization specifically intended for use with the Community Care Corps local model.
Can AmeriCorps and Community Care Corps be used to fund the same program if there is a match for each funding? 
Both federal funding sources can fund the same program, but they cannot be used as matching funds. The applicant would still have to meet the match obligations for both funding sources with non-federal funding.. 
Can we use an unrestricted foundation or individual gift as the match? 
Yes. This would be a cash match. 
Does the 25% financial match of the program budget need to be new monies raised? Since inception? Can you please explain this a little better?
The 25% match does not necessarily have to be new monies raised if existing dollars are truly going to be reallocated to support the Community Care Corps project. 
Can we use this grant as match dollars for the AmeriCorps Senior program which is both Federally and State funded? 
Section 4.3 of the RFP discusses Match Requirements. Per this section, the following sources cannot be used toward the match: Federal Funds, funds used to match other grants. This would apply to using Community Care Corps funds as match for other federal grants.
Are county property tax levy funds allowable as a match?  
Please see section 4.3 of the RFP. As long as the funds are not Federal dollars and are not used as a match for other funds, this is allowable. 
Can tithes and offerings from church members be used as In-Kind Match? 
Yes, titles and offerings from church members can be used as In-Kind Match.
Our total project budget is ~$86,000. Based on this budget, what is an appropriate request amount for us? The RFP states that award amounts will range from $30,000 to $200,000. 
You may request federal funding between $30,000 and $200,000. If you only need $86,000 in federal funds to develop and implement your local model, only request $86,000. If this includes your 25% match, request your total budget minus match which is the amount of federal funds needed.
Since these are originally federal funds, are there federal regulations aside from the OMB uniform administrative requirements that grantees will need to be aware of/abide by? 
OMB is the most authoritative guideline and we are following it. 
On the Financial Management Survey –where can I find a copy of this form and what does it mean to have a “certified copy”?
Section Completed and certified Financial Management Survey-Applicants must submit a completed Financial Management Survey. Certification of this document is achieved when the preparer provides a digital signature on the document attesting that the information provided is correct to the best of their knowledge and ability. No other certification, such as notarization is required. The survey is a downloadable document in the portal.
If our organization cannot generate an independent audit, what other financial documents can we provide as an alternative? 
We will accept, as an alternative, either a recent financial statement prepared internally or a current IRS Form 990. Organizations that have or can secure an independent audit report or review should please do so. We added this information in the application portal where we ask you to upload an audit report.
Can indirect costs be included in the budget? 
Section covers indirect cost agreements and indirect costs. If an applicant has a federally approved indirect cost rate agreement, the applicant may use its approved rate. If an applicant does not have a federally approved indirect cost rate agreement, the applicant may include up to a de minimis rate of 10% of direct program costs as indirect costs.
Examples of indirect costs are rental costs for office space (excluding the cost of short-term rentals for event space for program-related activities), costs of operating and maintaining facilities, salaries and expenses of executive officers and/or administrative personnel, accounting, office equipment and office supplies.
If an applicant has a reasonable allocation methodology for identifying overhead expenses such as telephone expense or rent expense as allocable to a specific project, those expenses may be included as a part of direct expenses as long as their federally approved indirect cost rate or the de minimis rate calculation also takes into account overhead expenses as a part of direct expenses. For example, if in calculating an organization's federally approved indirect cost rate, 100% of rent is included in the calculated rate, an applicant cannot include any portion of rent as a direct expense in its budget because that would result in a duplication of indirect expenses. Conversely, if a portion of rent is allocated as a direct expense of various programs and only a portion of rent is included as a part of the organization's federally approved indirect cost rate, rent expense that can be reasonably allocated to the funded program may be included as a part of the direct expenses in the applicant's budget.
What are the requirements required to support quarterly financial reimbursement? 
Community Care Corps reimburses selected grantees on a quarterly basis. As per all federal funding reimbursements, grantees will be required to submit a quarterly financial report and provide documentation supporting reported expenditures upon request. Forms for quarterly financial reporting will be provided.
Please see section 5.2. of the RFP for additional information.
How do we keep our program going after the grant period? 
Local entities should provide plans for project sustainability. We will provide technical assistance on ways to sustain your local model. Stronger sustainability plans will receive preference in the review process, but proposals without strong sustainability plans will not be disqualified solely on that factor. 
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Can we have access to the survey instruments while we are completing our application? 
Sample survey documents are posted on the Community Care Corps website RFP page.
Is the Informational Webinar recorded, and will it be provided on the website? 
The webinar is recorded and will be posted on the Community Care Corps website. 
Can more than one person work on the application online remotely? 
Yes, however, be cautious that two people are not editing the same section/question at the same time because you may save over each other’s data. 
Are we able to edit a section after we mark it as complete?
 Yes, you may go back and edit any task. Only after you complete your final submission with the "submit" button, will you no longer be able to edit your application. 
Regarding the actual proposal narrative word limit per section. Is this a recommended word limit or restricted word limit? 
This is a restricted word limit. If, for example, you have a 300-word limit and you exceed that limit, SMApply will flag that and not allow you to mark as complete until the limit is modified to 300 words or less.
Is it possible to get a full view of the application before beginning to fill it out? It seems that the portal requires you to complete each page before proceeding to the next.
The portal mirrors the RFP. Everything you need to complete the application in the portal is in the RFP itself. 
How do I sign up to receive future Community Care Corps notifications? 
Go to our website and click the Stay in Touch button. It will link you to our mailing list. 
Will you share organizations and contacts of those applying with us? There may be opportunities for partnerships in our geographic area of which we are not yet aware. 
We offer learning collaboratives for selected grantees to learn about the models other organizations are offering. The project manager will also connect grantees by email if appropriate.
What are some common mistakes people experience when applying and what are the best ways to avoid them? Will all applications be considered for funding?  
All applications that meet the below screening criteria will be considered for funding. If all the screening criteria are not met, the application will not be moved forward for review by the independent Review Committee. 
 Applications cannot be submitted past the 5:00 ET deadline on July 7, 2023. No applications will be advanced to the independent Review Committee if the proper templates are not utilized as noted below. There are no exceptions allowed for not meeting the screening criteria. 
​To reduce errors, read the RFP carefully. Answer each item fully. Be sure to upload all the fully completed required documentation. Meet all the screening criteria stated in sections 8.5. as only those applications that meet the documented screening criteria will be considered. 
For an application to be reviewed, it must meet the following requirements:
Applications must be submitted electronically via by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, December 11, 2024. 
Applicants must complete the budget form, budget narrative, and work plan found in the application portal, in accordance with sections 7 and 8 of the RFP. All forms must be completed using the original format of the provided templates. No other forms, formats or alterations will be accepted.
The budget must include a minimum match of 25% of the total program budget. You must use the following calculation to determine the minimum 25% match value:  
Funds Requested /3) – Funds Requested = Minimum Match Amount.
Applicants who do not use this calculation to determine match will not be moved forward for consideration. The budget form and budget narrative also contain the formula to assist in determining the minimum 25% match requirement. Refer to section 4.3.1. 
Applications must include an executive summary of the proposed program that does not exceed 100 words, in accordance with section 7.1.6. 
Will Community Care Corps provide any type of technical assistance? 
During the application phase, we want to help organizations with little or no experience be able to meet the requirements. We will be hosting an informational webinar during the application period for interested applicants on October 23, 2024. This webinar will be recorded and posted on the Community Care Corps website. After the informational webinar, we will refer all applicants to the recording and the FAQ to find the answers to their questions. During the grant period, we will meet monthly with all grantees and hold periodic technical assistance sessions for successful grantees.
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